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A member registered Aug 08, 2019

Recent community posts

English : The last one, I downloaded it there to play, the bad thing didn't let me play and neither did the old man, I restarted it and nothing happened. I think the latest version of the game affected him for that...

Spanish : la ultima, ahi lo descarge para jugar lo malo no me deja jugar y tampoco el viejo, lo reinicie y no ocurrio nada. Creo que el juego de ultimo version lo afecto por eso...

English : When I started playing, it didn't open a game and I hit it again and nothing happened, what do I do!

Spanish : Cuando comencé a jugar, no abrió un juego y lo volví a presionar y no pasó nada, ¡qué hago!

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buddy, when i start the game the screen looks black, and when i gave it play. it looks the same as hearing the noises only that she says : C

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I love this game but there is a problem, when I start the game nothing comes out, I try it two or three times and nothing comes out? :C